Friday, February 15, 2013

The first birthday

A year has passed since February 15, 2012, the day when for the first time I opened this blog. 
The first article was Death of Jezebel by Christianna Brand, a novel that is particularly dear to me, as for the solution of the Locked Room, one of the most imaginative I've ever read, as because it was written by Christianna Brand, a writer who I love as much as Ngaio Marsh.
Since then a lot of authors and novels have been examined, and despite I open to all, without distinction, equal attention and introspection, the preference of readers to read specific articles instead of others, gave me the measure of the expectations of my audience of readers mainly U.S., and then Indonesian, Italian British, Russian, French, Dutch, German, Ukrainian, Canada.
Articles beds have mainly dealt first authors of area not so purely English as belonging to the Commonwealth (Brand, Marsh) authors or little known to the general public or have not been published for a long time (Abbot, Antheil, Farjeon, Connington, Aveline, Berrow, Ranpo). The norm instead of the great authors, also covered in other blogs: Carr, Queen, Derek Smith.
French authors, for example Steeman, have not been widely read as a sign of decadence (in my opinion undeserved) of French crime fiction to the general public.
Anyway I will try to expand the offer, presenting other authors yet. 

The near future will be reserved for another novel by Abbot. 
I thank all those who follow me and preferentially friends and acquaintances: 
John Norris, Sergio Angelini, Curtis Evans, Mauro Boncompagni. 

Pietro De Palma


  1. Congrats on your first year of blogging and here's to many more!

  2. Viva il blog, Pietro! Long may it run.


  3. Congratulations very welcome, John and TomCat.
    John: So you know how to speak Italian! Well, this may be useful for some book that you had not. :-)
